Thursday, 23 May 2019

Clearing the Stones

This week I had a reminder of how church-planters are often called to endure the less than glamorous.

One worker famously said he wasn't planting, he wasn't sowing...he was busy clearing stones.

I felt like that as I prepared a message on Wine and the Gospel.  I wanted to refer to the promises of the Messianic age (hills dripping with new wine etc).  But when I looked up that word 'Messianic' in the Kurdish Wiktionary it said 'Mesîhî', which means 'Christian'.

I realised how the nuanced the English language is, such that we can draw from Greek and talk about the Christian age, and then from the Hebrew language to say the Messianic age.  In theory they might mean the same thing, but they don't in practice.

So I made an entry on Wiktionary to help others express this idea of the 'Messianic' age or Messianic kingdom: " the age of the Promised, Coming One of the Jews".

It's very wordy, but it's the best I can do to communicate with people who don't draw from a word-well filled with vocab that has been informed by rich knowledge of both Testaments.