Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Sing Psalms: Tunes that I think work well

Metrical Psalm-Singing for 21st Century people

For a number of years I've tried out various tunes for the Psalms.  I am not musically trained; I cannot read music, but I'm a punter who might be able to help other punters sing the Psalms.   I mainly use familiar tunes to go with a little book called Sing Psalms.  This is a Rhyming-Metrical translation of the Psalms (which makes it easy for congregations to sing)
If you don't know what a 'metrical' Psalm is, you can watch my little explanatory You Tube video.

Do please try these tunes out, and give me feedback on which ones work or don't work so well.
You can download the pdf of the words for free or get the app for free 
; or why not buy up a handful of the little hardbacks* for use in family worship or a home group? From the Free Church Bookshop (UK) or Banner of Truth (USA).

For many of the Psalms I haven't yet found suitable tunes; musicians can of course buy the music edition and try the tunes suggested by the Free Church of Scotland.  Or use the Soundcloud audio versions to learn some of their recommended (older) tunes (it would be a great help if someone could post some of the newer tunes, but there may be copyright reasons for not doing so)

However, I ought to say that the older tunes beloved of some traditional churches are not my cup of tea, and I venture to say they will not be a help to multitudes of people who want to sing the Psalms from emotionally warmed hearts. So, my selection reflects the kind of tunes that work for me and I think also for many contemporary Christians.

So, here are the Psalm numbers, with the tunes I suggest:

1a. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (new tune: Rachel)
2. Jerusalem (for those who like Last Night of the Proms!)
8. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (old tune: St Peter)
9b How Firm a Foundation (trad UK tune or trad USA tune)
10. House of the Rising Son (Folk-Rock Hit from 1960s!)
14. Breathe on Me Breath of God (Trentham)
20. Be Thou My Vision (Slane)- NB make sure it's the 11 11 11 11 arrngmt
22. Scarborough Fair (1960s Folk) / When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
23. Good Contemporary Tune on Sing Psalms Tutor CD*
24. O God Our Help in Ages Past / Come Let us Join our Joyful Songs (Nativity)
25. Rockingham= When I Survey
28. Scarborough Fair
29. Immortal, Invisible
32. Repton (O Lord and Father of Mankind)
33. A decent modern hymn tune from Tutor CD*
34. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (British perhaps better than American tune)
35. House of the Rising Son
37. Contentment (Folksy tune written for Ps 37, on Tutor CD* but could do with a Bob Dylan-style guitar accompaniment)
45. Forest Green (UK O Little Town of Bethlehem) 
50. Go Forth and Tell
51. Ottawa (Master, Speak, Thy Servant Heareth)/ O Little Town of Bethlehem
54. Crimond (Old Tune for Ps 23, eg at Princess Diana's funeral)
55. House of the Rising Sun
56. Abbots Leigh (Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken)
60. Here is Love, Vast As The Ocean
62. Townend&Getty's In Christ Alone
67. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
70. The Church's One Foundation
72. Jerusalem (for those who like Last Night of the Proms!); Jesus Shall Reign (tune: Truro)
73b. Try reading vv1-18, then singing 19-28 with Regent Sq (Glory Be to God the Father)
or for those willing to do lengthier sings, use 73a & Abide with Me tune, then switch to 73b with Regent Sq for 19-28
75. Crown him with Many Crowns much better than Soldiers of Christ, Arise
78. Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
79. O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
80a. Abbots Leigh (Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken etc)
81. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
84. Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
85. God of Grace, Amazing Wonder (Keith Getty/ Jonathan Rea)
86. Come Ye Thankful People Come (St George's Windsor)
87. German National Anthem / Abbots Leigh / Servant Song
90 Eventide (Abide with Me)
91. Tell Out My Soul
92a. Joy to the World
93. Joy to the World
94. Thaxted (I Vow to Thee My Country), repeat v23
95 Be Thou My Vision (Slane)- NB make sure it's the 11 11 11 11 arrangement
96a. Joy to the World
97 Jesus Shall Reign (Duke Street) /  Old Hundredth
98. Joy to the World
99a. Ellacombe http://www.cyberhymnal.org/mid/e/l/l/ellacombe.mid
100. Crown Him with Many Crowns
102. My Song is Love Unknown
103. Before the Throne of God Above
104. What a Friend We Have in Jesus (UK tune more cheerful & suitable than US tune)
105. Richard Simpkin's tune for How Firm a Foundation
106. Let us Love and Praise and Wonder
107. O Little Town of Bethlehem (NB UK & US tunes different)
108. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
109. Abbots Leigh (Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken)
110. Crown Him with Many Crowns
111. The Day Thou Gavest Lord Has Ended
114. The Old Hundredth
115. O God Our Help in Ages Past
116. Go Forth and Tell
117. Regent Square / Mannheim
119 (11)v81f Eventide (Abide with Me) **
LM- try Jesus Shall Reign (Truro or I prefer Duke Street), eg for (17)
LM-(18)v137f Rockingham= When I Survey
121. Matt Searles' new tune (from album Acoustic Psalms)
122. Ode to Joy (Beethoven)
126. Rachel (How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds, C Bowater)
130. Matt Searles' new tune (from album Acoustic Psalms)
132. Ode to Joy (Beethoven)
133. Amazing Grace
134a Love Divine All Loves Excelling
136. The King of Love My Shepherd Is
139a. Simone Richardson's new tune for My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
142. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
143. My Song is Love Unknown (NB: prayer (v1) should be marked pray'er to indicate 2 syllables, unless ur Scottish!)
145. Go Forth and Tell
146. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
147. Stuart Townend's My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness
150a. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (repeat first stanza)

*Words Only Hardbacks c £10 each, I think, not £20 as currently listed.
**NB I find this a classic section to sing as a way to get a congregation sympathising with the persecuted church


  1. Thank you for compiling this list! I am so blessed by it and plan to use it my personal study and worship time. The link for the _Sing Psalms_ pdf is broken, but I was able to find it by searching "psalter" at www.freechruch.org. Thank you again and may God bless you in your efforts to restore our rich heritage of Psalmody.

  2. Hey Jeremy, Thanks so much for writing about this and putting the list together. While also looking for tunes to match some of the less common metres, I found this list: http://www.drshirley.org/churches/hymns-metric01.html. For example, Psalm 4 with the 8,6,8,8,6, matches Dear Lord and Father of Mankind - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faNij71hh7o. God Bless!

  3. I can't imagine setting a Psalm to "House of the Rising Sun"...
